June 15, 2013
Success at Ligna 2013
The Ligna exhibition in Hannover is always very exciting for System TM. The preparation for this size of exhibition is very intensive and the entire staff at System TM is very committed to making this event something spectacular.
High international interest and sales
The international position of Ligna as the world’s foremost tradefair for the forestry and wood industries was also something we at the System TM stand noticed in terms of the high number of international visitors and potential customers. During the week we managed to close several sales and some of them was with customers from very interesting markets such as China and Singapore.
System TM was presenting the following at Ligna 2013:
Optimizingcross-cut line
The line consists of a MiCROTEC scanner model GoldenEye 502, one optimizing cross-cut saw model Opti-Kap 5003 Version 2, and an intelligent high-speed infeed system for vertical finger-jointing.
MiCROTEC GoldenEye 502 scanner: With identification of every detail of the lumber – the intelligent scanner will secure maximum utilization of your wood resources.
Optimizing cross-cut saw model Opti-Kap 5003 Version 2: The unique saw stroke and design of the saw ensures a high quality and accuracy of the cut with an extremely high capacity.
Infeed system to vertical finger-jointing machine: New advanced high-speed material handling system that automatically create batches of single workpieces ready for vertical or horizontal finger-jointing.
A new standard concept for scanning and cross-cutting
This concept consists of a new developed MiCROTEC scanner; model GoldenEye 301 and an optimizing cross-cut saw; model Opti-Kap 5003 Version 2.
With this new concept we provide an efficient high technological solution that secure maximum capacity and wood utilization at the best price in the industry
System TM is very proud to have been a part of the Ligna in 2013 and we very much look forward to the next Ligna in 2015.