Terms and conditions
Cookie Policy
When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to increase your user experience on our site. Below we have elaborated on what information is collected, its purpose and which third parties have access to it.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small datafile that is saved on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful programs or viruses.
How and why do we use cookies?
Cookies are necessary for a homepage to function. Cookies help us get an overview of your visit to the homepage so that we can continually optimise and adjust the homepage to your requirements and interests. For example, cookies remember what you might have added to a shopping cart, if you have previously visited the page, if you are logged in and what languages and currency you want displayed on the homepage. We also use cookies to target our ads to you on other homepages. On a very general level, cookies are used as part of our services in order to show content that is as relevant as possible to you.
It is possible to delete or block cookies, if you do not want information to be collected, however, if you delete or block cookies, you may risk that the website does not function optimally and that there is content you cannot access.
The website contains cookies from third parties, which to varying degrees may include:
- MailChimp
- PiwikPro
- Microsoft
- Leadinfo
You can always revoke consent for the use of non-functional third party cookies anytime. To do so please click on the cookie icon and change your settings.
Deleting cookies
You can delete cookies that you have previously accepted. If you are using a PC with a recent version of a browser, you can delete your cookies by using these shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete.
If the shortcut keys do not work and/or you are using an Apple computer, you must find out what browser you are using and then click on the relevant link:
- Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Safari
- Flash cookies
- Apple
- Android
- Windows 7
But please remember: You must delete cookies separately in all the browsers you are using.
GDPR newsletter
Join our newsletter to receive free information on how to maximize wood utilization, cut labor costs and boost production capacity. By signing up, you’ll also be the first to hear about System TM product developments, as well as the latest solid wood news.
By providing your details in this subscription form, you acknowledge that:
- System TM will send you newsletters
- System TM may collect, store and use the personal data you provided in this form
- You may opt-out of newsletter communications with System TM at any time
- By unsubscribing, your personal data will immediately and permanently be removed from System TM’s records
You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in the footer of our newsletters. We will treat your information with respect. By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree that we may process your information.
Should you wish to unsubscribe in the future, you can simply click the unsubscribe link in the footer of our newsletters. We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. We protect and manage your data in accordance with Mailchimp’s Privacy Policy and Terms.
The website is owned and published by:
Skovdalsvej 35
8300 Odder
Phone: 86543355
Email: [email protected]