Aacer Flooring

One of the very first fully integrated systems in America
Aacer Flooring offers a full line of northern hardwood flooring products in a variety of species, including hard maple, red oak, white oak, cherry, yellow birch, red birch, ash and hickory.
System TM has recently carried out this task with great success by installing a strikingly unique Opti-Kap 3002 cross-cut line at Aacer Flooring’s 350,000-square feet manufacturing facility for the purpose of producing engineered flooring. The first of its kind in the US, this fully integrated line ties together various supplier subsystems – a roll press, side-matcher, end-matcher, a System TM optimizing Opti-Kap 3002 cross-cut saw, defect removal and a nesting process. The outcome? A highly powerful and harmonized system that surpasses conventional systems which normally consist of several freestanding workstations.
The solution consist of: